If Caffeine has No Crash, Does it Provide Infinite Energy?

caffeine cardio

Where do we turn when we need a quick boost of energy? To caffeine, of course! Caffeine is the world’s most popular supplement, and unlike any other product, those who don’t drink coffee or some other caffeine-containing beverage on a daily basis are the “weird” ones.

Caffeine does a great many things for us, like help keep us awake, boost fat loss, and enhance performance, but it does have one drawback – it wears off! Much sooner than some of us would like, resulting in the dreaded caffeine “crash” that comes several hours after consumption. Modern advances, however, are helping to thwart the all-too-rapid caffeine metabolism.

How Long Does Caffeine Normally Last?

Normal caffeine metabolism varies from person to person based on genetics. Most people are fast or moderate speed caffeine metabolizers – about 85-90% of us. With fast to moderate caffeine breakdown, caffeine’s half-life is 5-6 hours.

This means that after having 1 cup of coffee, containing approximately 100mg of caffeine, at 7 am would wear down to feeling like only a half cup of coffee at noon. It makes sense that we end up drinking the stuff almost all day!

It’s not uncommon to see someone, or ourselves, having multiple doses of caffeine throughout an entire morning or even into the early afternoon or evening. This is one way to stall an impending crash until we are tucked away in our beds.

But what if we have one big caffeine dose, such as with a pre workout or a fat burner, in the morning then stop adding caffeine to our system? A crash.

It sure would be nice if we could find a source of infinite energy – we’d never crash!

increased energy

Increase Energy Levels

Well, there’s no such thing as infinite energy. To not just live forever, but to be extremely energetic the entire time sounds paradoxically exhausting. We can, however, prevent crashing with Infinergy™ – an advanced form of caffeine, called dicaffeine malate.

Dicaffeine malate is a compound made of 2 caffeine and 1 malic acid molecule. By binding caffeine to malate, it delays the release of caffeine. This way, the effects of caffeine have a less rapid onset as well as degradation.

With Infinergy™ alone, caffeine release would be most similar to a normal bell-shaped curve – taking a few hours to start feeling more energetic as well as a several hours to come down after caffeine levels peak.

For this reason, dicaffeine malate is often combined with caffeine anhydrous, which has a very rapid onset, but it is also quickly degraded, which leads to a caffeine crash. By combining both forms of caffeine, we can obtain the quick energy that we know and love while extending the half-life of caffeine for a nice gradual come down.

PhentaBurnXT™ Advanced Fat Burning Formula features not just Infinergy™ dicaffeine malate and caffeine anhydrous but also natural caffeine from green tea leaf extract. Caffeine has been proven to work synergistically with the polyphenols in green tea for an enhanced fat burning effect, and with Infinergy™, the 325mg of total caffeine won’t leave you crashing hours later – just a smooth, thermogenic effect.